SEO for the real estate industry

Effective SEO for everyone in the real estate industry

We help you to be easier to find for your target group under your keywords in your target area and to rank ahead of your competitors on Google.

Get free initial consultation

Commercially viable keywords

An intuitive keyword strategy starts with your target audience. ZUMO offers professional keyword research to show commercial viability, volume and competition levels and make the right decisions.

Optimized product pages

ZUMO evaluates high-quality product pages based on more than 170 optimization factors to stay one step ahead of your competition.

Professional Link Building

With our super ZUMO SEO mix of technology and people, we can build an unlimited number of targeted links with Google-approved metrics from a wide variety of domains to any page you want on your website.

SEO for the real estate industry

Why choose ZUMO?

In recent years, the real estate industry has become one of the most competitive industries when it comes to attracting potential customers online. More and more companies are realizing that they need to have a strong online presence in order to stand out from their competitors.

SEO is very broad and there is hardly an industry in which SEO is not of great importance. As an SEO agency, we have made it our mission to help as many businesses as possible in a wide variety of industries to become more visible on the Internet and gain more customers through organic search.

Real estate SEO

Makes your real estate company visible

How keywords factor into an SEO strategy.

Regardless of how saturated a niche is, we strive to create a sphere of influence for your business. Because thanks to professional analysis, we know which SEO keywords for real estate are in demand in the search engines and have the greatest and, above all, realistic potential. ZUMO SEO has an up-to-date list of top keywords in the real estate industry. This is part of our on-page SEO strategy and can significantly impact your website's search engine positions.

In the first SEO month it is especially important to perform a professional keyword analysis, as this not only lays the foundation of your SEO successes, but can also have a significant impact on your conversion rate.

What makes ZUMO different from other SEO agencies?

Many SEO service providers overdo it with content by using too many keywords, which is sooner or later recognized by search engines as a black-hat SEO trick. Generally, black-hat SEO tricks are unfair methods that bring quick results while putting your website at risk. For example, so is linking to dubious backlinks. Google's algorithms are constantly evolving and finding new ways to detect black-hat practices and permanently penalize the websites that use them.

That's why at ZUMO SEO we have a strict white-hat SEO policy. Our goal is not to make your real estate business look like a keyword factory. We focus on readability for potential clients first and prioritize search engine rankings second. While this may not produce immediate results, it is the right way to go in the long run.

In addition, we provide completely transparent SEO services. If you decide to work with us, we will keep you constantly updated on our work and give you behind-the-scenes insights

Why should you work with ZUMO SEO?

We don't like to brag, but google "SEO Agency Switzerland" and see who you find there on the top positions.... That's right, ZUMO SEO. Our professional SEO team will also help you achieve top rankings while you focus on your core business.

Thanks to a tailor-made strategy, we help companies of all sizes to succeed, no matter what industry or market they are in. Contact us today and find out why we are the best SEO company in Switzerland.

Why choose ZUMO?

Steigern Sie Ihre organischen Besucherzahlen. Auf der ersten Seite der Suchergebnisse landen. Mit coolen SEO-Experten zusammenarbeiten. Brauchen Sie noch mehr Gründe?

Dominate Google

Specialized in data

Mittels Daten zum Erfolg. Jede SEO-Kampagne von ZUMO basiert auf einer Reihe von Daten, die von SEO-Experten gesammelt, sortiert und analysiert werden. Keine Ratespiele, sondern zielorientiertes, effektives Arbeiten.

Scalable campaigns

Founding a startup with limited capital? No problem! Want to test our process before increasing your budget? Sounds good to us. At ZUMO, all campaigns are structured for seamless scalability.

Understanding and transparency

Transparenz ist unsere Priorität. Das Vertrauen in die ZUMO SEO-Strategien basiert auf der Schulung jedes Kunden, um den SEO-Prozess und die Kampagne besser zu verstehen. Wir erklären Ihnen unsere Strategie Schritt für Schritt damit Sie verstehen, wieso wir Dinge machen, wie wir sie machen...Haben Sie eine Frage zum Fachjargon oder zu einem spezifischen Punkt in unserer Strategie? Es gibt keine Frage, auf welche wir nicht antworten können oder wollen…

Focus on ROI

Achieve a positive ROI with ZUMO's data-centric SEO strategy. Whether you are an SME or a listed company, every franc counts. Our only measure of success is your ROI - if you don't earn, we don't succeed!

Are you ready to dominate the first page on Google?

Unser Team aus SEO-Gurus ist bereit, Ihnen dabei zu helfen.

Let us advise you